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LeisurUp: Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Leisure at MAPIC 2023

As traditional retail assets and regeneration schemes pivot towards a more diverse retail mix, the LeisurUp conference track at MAPIC 2023 becomes more vital than ever. Sessions like "TEA Presents: Make Leisure the STAR of your destination" and "Immersive experiences: The last frontier for retail property" will delve into the role of leisure in increasing loyalty and shaping consumer experiences.

"TEA Presents: Make Leisure the STAR of your destination" on Tuesday, November 28, from 15:30 to 16:00 at the STUDIO, will answer questions around what truly makes leisure an anchor that increases loyalty, footfall, and repeatability. Moderated by Paul Kent, VP Global Business Development of MAD SYSTEMS INC, this session will explore the value-added by clustering several attractions and the role of international IPs.

"IImmersive experiences: The last frontier for retail property" on Tuesday, November 28, from 16:30 to 17:00 at the STUDIO, will unravel insights into the rise of immersive experiences and why they are here to stay. Moderated by Thibault Paquin, CEO of CELEBRATING LIFE, this session will explore choosing the right format and understanding how technology initiatives are shaping the market.

These LeisurUp sessions promise to be a gateway to understanding and capitalizing on the evolving dynamics of leisure in the retail landscape.
