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Navigating Non-Aeronautical Revenue Growth: Embracing Innovation and Adaptability in Aviation

In anticipation of her participation in the workshop, Svetlana Simeonova, Head of Commercial at Fraport Twin Star Airport Management and coordinator for the ANARA (Airports Non-Aeronautical Revenues and Activities) working group, engaged in a conversation with Ross Falconer.

Tomorrow TFWA Airport Forum will shine a spotlight on the insights gleaned from Airports Council International ANARA working group. This initiative has brought together industry stakeholders to exchange experiences and intelligence regarding best practices in commercial activities within airports.

Svetlana Simeonova, who leads the Commercial division at Fraport Twin Star Airport Management and serves as ANARA coordinator, will present the working group's recommendations aimed at establishing an equitable and sustainable business model. "My central message will underscore the critical importance of innovation and adaptability in the quest to protect and enhance non-aeronautical revenues within the evolving aviation industry," explains Simeonova. "I will stress the imperative for airports and industry stakeholders to embrace novel strategies and technologies to ensure resilience in a swiftly changing landscape."

ANARA stands as a platform of expertise and a collaborative endeavor involving industry stakeholders, yielding invaluable insights. Simeonova notes, "Key findings encompass the significance of data-driven decision-making, the role of technology in elevating passenger engagement, and the necessity for airports to evolve into destination hubs in their own right." She further emphasizes, "Additionally, the subcommittee has underscored the importance of flexibility in commercial agreements and the adoption of sustainable practices that align with both passenger preferences and environmental considerations."