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News Travel Tourism: Portugal A Sun-Drenched Haven

For nearly a decade, Portugal has held a consistent position among the most sought-after destinations in Europe. The tourism industry has emerged as a significant driving force behind its economy, contributing a substantial 14% to 15% of the country's GDP. Remarkably, the year 2022 proved to be no exception to this thriving trend.

The tourism sector in Portugal reached a remarkable milestone, raking in a record-breaking revenue of 22 billion euros. This astounding figure not only shattered all expectations but also surpassed the pre-Covid-19 record, which was set at 18.4 billion euros in 2019. Minister of Economy Antonio Costa Silva attributes this extraordinary accomplishment to the "diversification" of international visitors.

In 2022, Portuguese hospitality establishments opened their doors to an astonishing 15.3 million foreign tourists. This marked a significant surge of 158.5% compared to the previous year. Such impressive numbers brought attendance levels "very close to those of 2019."

Leading the pack among the source markets was the United Kingdom, closely followed by Germany. Spain and France took the third and fourth positions, respectively. Despite these commendable outcomes, the Portuguese tourism sector is bracing itself for a period of "stabilization" in the current year. This is primarily due to the adverse impact of soaring inflation, which is affecting households across Europe.

Nevertheless, Portugal continues to shine as a sun-drenched haven for travelers from around the world, promising an unforgettable experience and offering a diverse range of attractions and experiences. The country's appeal remains as potent as ever, making it a destination of choice for those seeking adventure, culture, and natural beauty. Portugal's allure is a testament to the enduring and irresistible charm of this European gem.